
Iran-targeting lunacies

After giving up on ObamaCare, Obambi insists with the Iran-targeting lunacies. NYTimes has it:

To Isolate Iran, U.S. Presses Inspectors on Nuclear Data
President Obama wants United Nations inspectors to release intelligence showing that Iran’s nuclear program is designing and experimenting with weapons technology.

The readers, smarter than the official if not officious, writers have it:

Bill M
October 15th, 2011
8:16 pm
President Obama is looking more and more like Israel's poodle as he follows Israel's dangerous and foolhardy script for attacking Iran. When is he going to sit down with Iranian representatives and work out our differences rather than risking another (fourth) war with unknowable consequences worldwide?
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October 15th, 2011
8:16 pm
Will the US make the same demand with respect to Israel?!? Otherwise, this is sheer hypocrisy and a prevarication to justify as US/Israeli act of war.
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October 15th, 2011
8:15 pm
It is Iraq all over again. Good thing that I never believed that Obama was any kind of change to believe in.
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October 15th, 2011
8:15 pm
Just what we need from Obama. More war. More spending of money we don't have.

Does Obama have any sense beyond trying to get reelected the way Bush did -- as a "war president"?

New estimate of U.S. war costs: $4 trillion.

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William O. Beeman
October 15th, 2011
8:54 pm
The Obama administration amazingly continues to beat the dead horse of the "scary" Iranian nuclear program long after it has ceased to serve the purpose it was designed for--namely to gin up public support for a military attack on Iran. No one has provided one scintilla of evidence that Iran has a nuclear weapons program. In fact, the National Intelligence Estimates of 2007 and 2011 both reaffirmed that there is no evidence for this. Every IAEA report since Iran began to be monitored is unequivocal in stating that "no diversion of nuclear material (for military purposes) has taken place." And yet the U.S. government keeps pushing, pushing, pushing, to finally badger the IAEA to saying that Iran is building weapons. Enough already! The U.S. or Israel has been saying that Iran is one or two years away from a nuclear weapon since 1990, and requiring Iran to undertake the impossibility of proving a negative all that time.

What is this madness? Is this a sop to Israel? Insurance that President Obama will not be excoriated for being "soft on Iran" in his re-election bid? Or more ominously, a wind up to the old plan of military attack?

Now we have what appears to have been an FBI sting operation to pin Iranian-American used car salesman Mansour Arbabsiar's crazy abortive plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador on Iran's highest leaders. It looks like the American public is being softened up for another American or American-backed adventure in the Middle East, and this one will not be pretty if it comes off.
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Martha Shelley
Portland, Ore.
October 15th, 2011
8:19 pm
Where else does Obama want to start a war?
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October 15th, 2011
8:15 pm
And then what? Yet another war?
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October 15th, 2011
9:20 pm
Welcome to Obama's new re-election strategy, War with Iran. (he also thinks this will finally endear him to Republicans... good luck with that).

Maybe Tehran should have had a public temper tantrum when the West assassinated several of its scientists in the past months.

Makes you wonder where the cool heads really preside.
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Robert Emery
Desert SW on the Border
October 15th, 2011
8:54 pm
Obviously from this article Obama won't settle for anything less than all out WAR.
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October 15th, 2011
8:19 pm
"any third country that did business with the central bank would be cut off from the American financial system."

I (and many around the world these days) say big deal. The American financial system is no longer the only, or even the best deal in town. We need to get used to the idea that America is now, and will increasingly become, weaker in our international dealings because we are no longer the premier economy in the world. Sure, we're still the biggest, but far less stable than in the past and the international community is looking into ways to dump us as the global market standard bearer. We have to start getting used to the idea that we are no longer, and will never again be, #1. It's time we participate in the global community as rational citizens of the world and stop the incessant insistence that we somehow deserve something extra from the world just because we're so darn special.
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October 15th, 2011
9:24 pm
It's impossible to believe, given this poor president's track record, that this saber-rattling with Iran is anything other than part of the presidential campaign.
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connie mack
phoenicia new york
October 15th, 2011
9:19 pm

the united states is inviting the other western nations to join it in bombing the crud out of another country. please join us.

welcome to rome
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Westfield, NY
October 15th, 2011
11:32 pm
No more war. Stop voting for war-mongers. Enough is enough. We spend too much money trying to kill other people. This is no way to live.
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susan w.
central Idaho
October 15th, 2011
11:32 pm
So here we go again with suspected WMDs. I suppose since fear worked for Bush and Obama is his clone this is the new reelection strategy ginned up to distract from the current unemployment crisis.

Why oh why must we have nothing but war-mongering macho men in power who think the only way to win is to out-gun the opposition.

Give peace a chance and see what happens.
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27.HIGHLIGHT (What's this?)
Don B
October 15th, 2011
11:32 pm
Attacking Iran is crazy. Look what happened to Saddam when he invaded Iran! Besides, what kind of idiot thinks they can stop someone from developing weapons by threatening them? For that to be effective, Iran would have to believe we wouldn't attack them if they gave up their Nuclear program. Saddam gave up his and we invaded and hung him. Qaddafi gave up his and we helped overthrow his government. Iran and North Korea believe they need Nuclear weapons because that seems to be the only thing that scares the American government enough to prevent us from attacking them. The aren't wrong.

The Nuclear nonproliferation treaty requires nuclear states such as the US to protect nonnuclear signatories such as Iran from Nuclear attack by others such as Israel. No one believes that we will live up to our obligations. That is another reason why Nuclear weapons are spreading rapidly.
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October 15th, 2011
9:24 pm
This is not the change that I voted for. Ron Paul for President! He is the only one I believe in now.
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Esther Haman
October 15th, 2011
11:32 pm
The Zionist have made a fool out of our president. President Obama is trying hard to stay with this baseless accusation just to justify the new sanctions that we are forced by the Zionists to be imposed on the Iranians.

It is a shame how much this tail is able to wag the dog.

Get real.
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Houston, TX
October 15th, 2011
11:32 pm
The sad episode at the UN over the Palestinian issue has left Obama looking just like one more Aipac drone in the US government, and this time around, his pet like obedient response pushes us into the danger zone. It's inconceivable that this so called plot, an amateurish flop, be cause for even mentioning a war posture against Iran.
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October 15th, 2011
9:23 pm
this is the same type of rethoric during the Bush administration, nothing changed. It all about oil and why we need to energy independent!!
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October 15th, 2011
9:20 pm
I cannot, with good conscience, ever imagine voting for any of the GOP candidates except Huntsman, who has some understanding of international affairs. I just wish that the US government would get off their use of isolation as a strategy for dealing with countries that don't kowtow to them. The strategy has just punished the citizens, but not the leaders, of Cuba, Iraq, North Korea, and Iran among others. While I believe we have the best country to live in on the planet, I also believe we have a lot of leaders and representatives who are cruel and flat-out incompetent. Otherwise they would focus on domestic issues and practice compromise.

Rather than singling out Iran, perhaps the IAEA should put out a table listing ALL countries having nuclear capability or aspirations and what capabilities they have. The US still will not address the issue of whether Israel has the capability. Since some nuclear scientists retired from Berkeley in the US to Israel, one would foolish to think they do not. 20% enrichment for a reactor production of medical isotopes is typical. To get to the 90-98% needed for bomb grade still takes a lot more steps in the enrichment process.

As a follow-up to the recent arrest, the idea that a terrorist incident would be used in DC to assassinate the Saudi ambassador is pretty far-fetched. Were the event to occur, the US would use the case as a pretext to blow the hell out of Iran and Iran knows it. I sure hope the US government starts taking the accused to trial a lot quicker than they did the Guantanamo or Moussaoui trials. I sure hope they can bring truthful evidence, in contrast to the way Colin Powell got set up on the "weapons of mass destruction."

President Obama should consider why G Bush 1 and Al Gore didn't get to be president ... something called a third party. Even though I've supported Obama on many issues, he's testing my patience with Iran and getting us even more immersed overseas. After Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, what else?
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friend for life
October 15th, 2011
11:32 pm
The real battle for Obama at the moment I believe is raising campaign donations and sending strong signals to the banking and AIPAC sectors in America that he can deliver the goods, and that they should donate big - it's the 2012 campaign and he's auctioning off domestic and foreign policy to anyone with treasure. Shame on you Mr. Obama -

Why are you not spending your time thinking and planning to tackle all the threats looming closer to home for America - like the corruption of the banking and finance sector destroying the foundation of democracy. Other domestic failures gaining speed will lead to profound destabilization if not revolution, to say nothing of real and pervasive poverty expanding in the USA for decades in the future. Food, jobs, education, environmental protection, take your pick and get busy spending your days in meetings to tackle these problems instead of spending your time digging deeper into more foreign policy failures.

If you're smart you can begin an effort toward restoring democracy to America, if you're another Nixon or Cheney just keep it up and your legacy will be nailed to America's legacy of hypocrisy like no other president of the past. Some people are saying it's well past time to return that Nobel Peace Prize. I'm sad to say in recent months I have finally lost all faith too. I have carefully faced the facts and any sense of voting for you again has been lost, change and hope no longer exist and won't be offered again to a candidate for a long time. Thanks Mr President, you've taken the level of political hypocrisy and deception in America to a new level.
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Queensland, Australia
October 15th, 2011
11:32 pm
I don't know what's happened to the USA that the world used to know.

At least the wars will stop when your military can't afford to go invading other countries anymore. Then your internal wars start because your politicians blew the trillions they should have spent on health, education and infrastructure.

Vale America.
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New Mexico
October 15th, 2011
11:32 pm
It's sad that when a lunatic like Ahmedinejad discusses U.S. foreign policy, he makes more sense and is more trustworthy than our own president or any of our president's advisors.
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Madison, Wi
October 15th, 2011
11:32 pm
When the news first broke of Iran's supposed involvement in the assassination plot, I assumed that it was the start of a campaign to justify taking out Iran's nuclear installations.
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Frances Morris
Boulder, CO
October 16th, 2011
1:44 am
The bogus "murder plot" is to Iran as the bogus "WMD" was to Iraq. Are we so gullible as to be once again lied into another war, this time WW 3? We have reached the zenith of folly and self-destruction!!




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