
equality of chances? the brightest choose engineering? meritocracy instead of dynasty?

America’s meritocratic, watchdog news media

Chelsea Clinton
In this Feb. 9, 2011 photo, Chelsea Clinton attends amfAR's annual New York Gala at Cipriani Wall Street in New York. (AP Photo/Evan Agostini)  (Credit: AP)
(updated below) 
New York Times, July 31, 2008:
Business Insider, August 31, 2009:
New York Times, today:

I really don’t understand what those angry, lazy losers in the Occupy movement are so upset about. America is a meritocracy; if you work hard and prove your skills, you get ahead. The winners deserve what they have because they have earned it. And when all else fails, we have a media filled with insurgent outsiders who will be relentless watchdogs over those in power because that’s what our media outlets are: true outsiders there to check the most powerful factions.
Even more encouragingly, we have a media that ensures that diverse views are heard; Chelsea Clinton previously worked at a $12 billion hedge fund and her former-Goldman-Sachs-banker husband earlier this year launched his own hedge fund with “two guys from Goldman,” so she brings a depth and diversity of perspetive that is sorely lacking in our news (true, CNN boldly features Erin Burnett — the former Goldman, Sachs employee and current fiancĂ© of a top Citigroup executive — but nothing can compete with Chelsea Clinton’s rich, impressive journalism background).
Thankfully, the American Founders waged a revolution to free us from the shackles of monarchy so that we’re no longer captive to the inanities of royalty (like those silly Brits). In The Rights of ManThomas Paine mocked and scorned aristocracies as producing “counterfeit nobles” — those bestowed with prerogatives not because of what they’ve achieved but because of the accidental fortune of their birth — and we are thankfully free of those:

UPDATE: With so many superb young journalists being hired by NBC News based on their record of outstanding achievement, it is — I hope you will agree — understandable that I neglected to include this, from earlier this month:
We all owe our gratitude to NBC News for single-handedly correcting the shameful, long-standing exclusion from our media discourse of the views of young, journalistically accomplished heirs and heiresses to political power and great fortune; it is long overdue that former NYT Executive Editor Bill Keller, son of the CEO and Chairman of Chevron, finally be joined by the next generation.


letters from the police state

Dr. O. Ralph Raymond
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315

The most disturbing thing about this episode as captured in video footage is its casual banality, the "banality of evil," the reduction of human beings essentially to insect or vermin status. It shocks the conscience.

Blanche Batey

What is horrifying is that police, politicians, and petty administrators have learned so little and apparently believe they have the right to rule us instead of serve us.

Baltimore, MD

Part of the problem is revealed by this statement: "The New York Police Department says pepper spray should be used chiefly for self-defense or to control suspects who are resisting arrest."

Ordinary Americans think "resisting arrest" involves actively fighting the arresting officer(s). In fact, passive, peaceful resistance is also considered "resisting arrest." Thus, refusing to move or going limp would make one subject to this type of "control."

This is widely quoted: "Charles J. Kelly, a former Baltimore Police Department lieutenant who wrote the department's use of force guidelines, said pepper spray is a 'compliance tool' that can be used on subjects who do not resist, and is preferable to simply lifting protesters.

'When you start picking up human bodies, you risk hurting them,' Kelly said. 'Bodies don't have handles on them.'

"After reviewing the video, Kelly said he observed at least two cases of 'active resistance' from protesters. In one instance, a woman pulls her arm back from an officer. In the second instance, a protester curls into a ball. Each of those actions could have warranted more force, including baton strikes and pressure-point techniques."

So we are to believe that police officers use pepper spray, which hurts and can kill people, to avoid the "risk [of] hurting them." THIS DEFINITION OF 'RESISTING ARREST' MUST CHANGE.

Greensboro, NC

I'm horrified that our police forces have become so militarized and seem almost gleeful as they use their new toys on the participants in a peaceful protest. But, with that said, even I had to laugh a little as FOX news downplayed the recent sprayings, based on the argument that pepper spray was basically vegetable juice. Yeah! It's like getting sprayed with V8 juice. Yeah. Right.

Bildad the Shuhite

I cannot believe there is not more outrage at these actions at the highest level of government. I thought it was ironic and sad that scenes from this incident were shown followed by scenes from Egypt and the Middle East and really, aside from the degree of police force not much different. If you had shown the videos with different captions it may have gone unnoticed that this was two different instances.

Having not grown up in the 60's-era I do not understand what "the man" finds so threatening about these protests. And if you can honestly say that you do not think that major corporations, banks act in many immoral, dishonest, and acted in a manner that deserves at least protest and condemnation than you have really not studied the history and growth of corporate America nor read anything beyond your 401K statement.

I own my own small business, employ people (aka job-creator), pay in inordinate amount of business taxes and vote mostly Republican but try to find the "best person" for the job.

What I feel the media and "older society" does not get about the Occupy Mvmnt is that it is not trying to have "communism". They are asking that the system not be rigged. That everyone gets a fair opportunity and that the biggest and best do not also get the most benefits.


As a "conservative person" who generally defers to the police in matters of public safety, I've been appalled at the actions of officials at all levels of government in regard to their dealings with the OWS movement over the past ten weeks. When you combine the reports of actions against generally non-violent protesters plus yesterday's articles in the NYT regarding the actions of the NYPD against accredited reporters and photographers, it becomes hard to differentiate between these actions and what has been going on in Egypt, Syria and other places. Surely this is not the vision of American freedom and democracy that we are trying to sell to the rest of the world?

Lakeville, Ct

Non lethal weapons?

As a question of will, rights and authority, 'might makes right', dominance and using whatever gives power to point of view will be used. Sad that this violence is still as interpersonal as bludgeoning someone with a rock lashed to a stick. I don't see much difference between this and piloting, from Virginia, a radio-controlled model plane that kills someone in the Middle east. It is just from a longer arms-length, less personal risk on the damage you're doing . . . until they get the weapon . . . or steal it. Imagine, piloting our own planes a weapons. Those thoughts have dominated our political and domestic lives since. Projectiles are intended to do damage.

Our '60's 'civil rights' experience of firehoses, rubber bullets, clubs and dogs showed us that differences of personal opinion, expressed contrary to politically motivated dominance, sometimes prevails, to an extent, at great risks and price. Any weapon can be lethal to someone with a congenital weakness or physical problem.

I think maybe the next protesters should line up the elderly and wheelchair-bound as their first line of defense. That'll make the headlines!

I always refer back to Eddie Rickenbacker who, after being a WW I flying ace, called aerial warfare 'scientific murder'.

Spraying someone in the face with pepper spray is a thinly veiled substitute.

Ann Arbor, Mich.

The militarization of police departments across this country is inexcusable. Apparently, the police believe that their first response should be that of paramilitary enforcers as opposed to their real roles, which is that of peace officers. The aggressive, violent, and criminal response of these law enforcement agencies is a national disgrace.

Frankly, the brutal police tactics taking place at Occupy sites should be front and center on every mainstream newspaper and media site in this country. How can we spread democracy abroad when we can’t even defend it at home?

The Tea Party contingent carried open weapons to various events, spit on public officials, and spouted some pretty threatening comments yet I don't remember even one arrest. On the other hand, OWS protesters have been beaten, pepper sprayed, shot with rubber bullets, and subjected to sound cannons for simply engaging in peaceful protests - I shudder to think of the outcome should an Occupy protester show up to an event openly packing a gun.

As for cities and universities seeking to "regain control of their streets, parks, and campuses", let us not forget who really pays to build and maintain these public structures and edifices. The streets, parks, and public campuses belong to The People and they have every right to occupy them if they so choose. If we're going to deny people access, then it's time for cities and universities to find another source of funding. Since they have all the cash, maybe it's time to require that corporate America finance infrastructure construction and upkeep.


These police obviously never have had pepper spray in their face. They have absolutely NO idea of the power of the weapon they are carrying. Living near bears, I carry it on hikes and several times have had just a breeze of it hit me. One time I thought I'd have to go to the hospital. That cop was spraying it like a can of air freshener, which is also not how you use it. He had no idea what kind of weapon he was using. I actually used it in Yellowstone this year on a charging bison. It did a 90 degree turn immediately. That's how powerful it is. Watching that video was appalling and sickening.

The amount of police reactivity and violence, in the midst of peaceful assembly, has been shocking. It demonstrates how much our rights have eroded while we've been 'making other plans'.

Reading PA

“we are in the age of pepper spray, not the age of real bullets.”

Tell that to the veteran who is in intensive care because of getting hit in the head with a rubber bullet in Oakland. This attempt to find something positive to say about attacking peaceful protestors in a putative democracy seems very labored.

Certainly we are in the age of bullets and bombs in our multiple wars overseas and the official rationale presented is that these unending wars are in defense of our "freedoms."

For all the billions we are spending in defense of "our freedoms" we don't seem to be getting much in return if we can't peacefully express our views as the First Amendment guarantees without getting pepper-sprayed.


My impulse, if stopped by a police officer for overspeeding, is to be as courteous and polite as possible. Do do otherwise would invite not just a higher priced ticket, but also the threat of a humiliating exercise of power (get out of the car, etc). Police have to be taught that their egos are not the determining choice in exercise of power. In other words "i wield the baton (or pepper spray), so i deserve respect and submission to my wishes" is not the message. It was clearly on display at UC Davis, an institution of higher learning, but clearly the police are not part of that culture. The students had an expectation of proportionate action, not life threatening abuse of power.

Jim T.

The video that I've watched showed protesters linking arms and blocking a road. If one assumes these protesters were asked to disperse and refused, the next step would be for the police to forcibly remove. This would risk injury to both the protester and the police officer. Pepper spray is a useful tool in that is will force the protesters to disperse without risking physical harm to themselves or the officers.

Steve Bolger
New York, NY

Consent of the governed to be sprayed like insects by psychotic cops?

Yeah, you sure are doing well after 35 years of open season asset-stripping.


most people kill (themselves) for what the few consider rounding error


There has to be some form of secure regulatory control over these computer financial accounts where you can easily move around billions of dollars in a few mouse clicks and the "money" (I use the word lightly, as we're talking about numbers in a computer) is then dispersed into the so-called cloud and it's then - pick one: "lost, stolen, missing, misappropriated" or otherwise not able to be found.

I have a banker friend who told me "there is not enough printed currency in the world to cover all the cash that sits in (computerized) bank accounts."

In other words, the financial system is simply a bunch of numbers being moved from one computer network to another. Very, very scary.

So, when someone asks - "were did all that money go?"

One of the answers could be - "It was never really there."

Some folks at MF Global had access to the computers that contained the numbers that represented this missing "money." I'd be confiscating their passports right about now.


back and forth, from the right of center

William Gill, Esq.
Montgomery, Alabama

There is no such thing as the "99%." Never was.

Here are the real life numbers:

54% pay all federal income taxes and most of the social security and medicare taxes that subsidize the 46% who pay no federal income taxes and little SS and Medicare taxes.

The "rich" pay the highest amount of taxes already. The top 1% pay 37% of all federal income taxes. The top 5% pays nearly 50% of all federal income taxes, and the top 10% pays over 70% of all income taxes. Plus those categories of income earners pay the vast bulk of all SS and Medicare taxes that help pay for everyone else's SS and Medicare.

Here is another number: the top 20% of income earners pay 80% of all federal taxes. 80%!

Hence, the whole OWS anarchist and envious socialist arguments are way off base. However, if they would simply come out and say raise the federal income tax on that 1% (or even top 2 or 3%) a total of an additional 5%, there would probably be no objection for wage earners in those categories. But the OWS anarchists and Marxists do not seem to be interested in that. They seem to have a much more far ranging agenda of a dark nature.

How about some more real numbers other than the fact that 46% are ungrateful that 54% support the entire country at the federal level:

40% of American chldren are born out of wedlock and this is the #1 cause of poverty in America. 72% black, 50% hispanic and 30% white are the sad illegitimacy numbers, and with the "free love" with no responsibility society America has these numbers are only increasing.

The divore rate is over 50% for first marriages and that is the #2 cause of poverty in America. Marital commitment means nothing anymore.

So, to the OWS crowd and their sympathizers, promoters and fellow travelors, let these REAL numbers sink in.

Disclaimer: I am not one of the "rich". I am just a reporter of historical facts. Do with them what ye will.

Michael Smith
New York, NY

To William Gill, Esq. from Montgomery Alabama: the only figures you left out were the percentage of the national wealth held by the top 1%, and how dramatically their wealth has increased over the last 20 years, and how their taxes, as a percentage of income, have dramatically decreased over the last 20 years.

If you are not one of the "rich", as you claim, but you nevertheless go around citing meaningless statistics about the amount of taxes paid by billionaires as opposed to amount paid by minimum wage workers, you are either a fool or a con-man. The facts that you selectively site are obviously set forth as a bogus attempt to defend the super rich and blame the poor for the sorry state that we find ourselves in this country.

You are either a fraud and are writing as a shill for the rich, or you are just a fool; my guess is the former. Such tactics may fly in Alabama newspapers, but not in the New York Times. So take your "historical facts" and shove them up your phony ye-know-what.

William Gill, Esq.
Montgomery, Alabama

To Michael Smith of New York, New York: nice ad hominem abusive. It is typical of liberal socialists and atheists like yourself to engage in anonymous online personal attacks and regional bigotry instead of just focusing on facts and logic. Not to mention spineless and cowardly. Truth hurts doesn't it Mr. Smith?

As far as the 1% goes, I do not covet them. As a matter of fact the Holy Scriptures have a commandment: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's property. And as far as the wealth gap, as anyone with even a rudimentary knowledge and understanding of recent world history knows, it is because of globalism and the technological revolution that that 1% has become so rich, and they have created most of the jobs in the process and made everyone's live's better as a result. Again, I don't covet them. And I am sure they would not object to a reasonable tax increase. I notice you didn't even have the intellectual integrity of stating what amount of increase YOU are proposing for them. And you are futher dishonest about what amount of *income* taxes "minimum wage workers" are paying - virtually nothing with all the deductions and tax credits. They are part of the 46% who pay no federal income taxes.

You are a fool and a schill for anarchists, socialists and Marxists Mr. Smith. Plain and simple. Truth hurts and numbers don't lie.


As for William Gill, Esq., you seem to have less faith in capitalism than the OWS protesters do: they believe that our economic system can generate profit and productivity AND ensure a basically acceptable standard of living for everyone who lives in it, whereas you seem to be saying that the best we can hope for is to provide solely for the rich, shrugging and shaking our heads as the innocent children of whose birth conditions you disapprove sink into poverty through no fault of their own. I'm not willing to give up that easily.

William Gill, Esq.
Montgomery, Alabama

Rebecca, it is not the responsibility of people - or the government via forced redistribution of the wealth "to provide" for some kind of mythical "standard of living" for some other group of people. To think so is what is called socialism. Socialism is antithetical to Americanism.

Now, having said that, there undoubtedly ARE all kinds of corporate abuses that need to be fixed, but not in the way anarchists and socialists that permeate the OWS are arguing for. I am going to surprise you and the rest of the NYTs readership who are mainly of the "liberal" persuasion: I have enough centrist in me and life experience to know that all businesses, ESPECIALLY the finanical industry need some amount of regulation. I have said it here and I say it all the time over at the WSJ: U.S. businesses need less regulation BUT the financial industry needs MORE regulation. I continously argue for such things as follows:

1. Defend Sarbanes-Oxley.

2. Defend Dodd-Frank.

3. Ban financial derivatives.

4. Ban leveraged ETFs.

5. Require at least 50% or more of inverstors own money
with respect to commodities futures (significantly increase "margin" requirements).

7. Ban high frequency trading.

8. Impose a standard of true *fiduciary* duty on all investment brokers/dealers for their customers.

9. Reinstate Glass-Steagall to completely separate commercial and investment banking and insurance and brokerage/investment houses, and I mean not even allowing a common parent corp. whatsoever.

10. This one is tricky, but clearly many of the Fortune 500 companies have a racket going on the last 20 years whereby there is massive overlap of Boards and Executives and they are all taking care of each other thru ridiculous and exorbitant compensation packages (typically disguised as "stock option", and golden parachute severance deals). This is really the responsibility of Shareholders, but something has to be done.

Things all people should agree on, whatever persuasion.

Real Men Liberate Invade Iran

After trying our hand at smaller targets, it's time we took it up to the next level:  Iran.  Never mind that none of our liberation missions has been anywhere near accomplished, for the objective is to keep things in motion so that the 99% remain dazed and confused about the economy and any other matter of real concern.  Let's hear from the 99%:

Houston, TX

I’m concerned that the impending I.A.E.A. report on Iran’s alleged advances in her nuclear program may not be strictly professional and fair. And it’s because, as this article states, “the director of the agency, Yukia Amano,” secretly visited “the White House 11 days ago to meet top officials of the National Security Council about the coming report ….”

Is it customary for the head of the I.A.E.A. to meet secretly with “top officials of the National Security Council” of each of the member states of the I.A.E.A. Board to discuss a coming report?

The United States, Israel and Europe provided some of the information used for the impending report. These are the same countries which have been leading the crusade to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. A conflict of interest is obvious.

An inconvenient truth is that the US has the unhealthy habit of corrupting international bodies and their officials. The case for this harsh but unavoidable observation is laid out in the article, “Special Relationship,” by Colum Lynch, in the April 18, 2011, issue of Foreign Policy (www.foreignpolicy.com

“In the aftermath of Israel’s 2008-2009 intervention into the Gaza Strip, Susan E. Rice, the U. S. ambassador to the United Nations, led a vigorous campaign to stymie an independent U. N. investigation into possible war crimes, while using the prospect of such a probe as leverage to pressure Israel to participate in a U. S.-backed Middle East peace process….”

And the “United States and Israel were granted privileged access to highly sensitive internal U.N. deliberations on an “independent” U.N. board of inquiry into the Gaza war, raising questions about the independence of the process.”

Obviously, the U. S. tampered with the integrity of the U. N. Secretariat and a supposedly “independent” U. N. investigation.

Ms. Rice also warned the president of the ICC that an investigation into alleged Israeli war crimes could damage its standing with the United States

The U.S. also colluded with Israel in ultimately stopping the original investigation that was ordered by U.N. Security Council resolution 1405 into alleged Israeli misconduct during her intervention in Jenin, the West Bank.

ALL nations must abide by international laws. When any country habitually obstructs justice, we have a duty to yell “STOP!” As Charles Peguy, the French philosopher, noted, “He who does not bellow the truth, when he knows the truth, makes himself the accomplice of liars and forgers.”

The I.A.E.A. should do its job without the heavy-handed interference of outside interests.

Bill Messina

Who the heck are we to demand that other countries stop their nuclear weapon strategy?

If we don't give up ours, why should they have to give up their research.

Since any country that has a nuclear capability is immune from our "shock and awe" tactics (Russia, China, North Korea, Pakistan), why wouldn't these countries try to develop doomsday weapons to protect themselves against us?

Considering that we could totally destroy any country, that would dare send a nuclear weapon our way, none of them would dare take an offensive action against us.

What are we doing, here, attempting to build up a consensus to repeat our foolhardy efforts in Iraq against the Iranian people?

Citizens! Beware! The military industrial complex is still scheming.

MACV in DaNang
Castro Valley, CA

So What!. Iran deserves and reserves the right to acquire Nuclear Weapons. Who knows what country may try and invade (Israel, America) or bomb their people. A NUKE keeps everyone on their toes and in-their-place. Remember in 1953 The democratically elected government of Iran was overthrown by the CIA and Britain's MI6. This led to the Shah of Iran dictatorship up until 1979, during which thousands of Iranians were killed, tortured and repressed and the oil flowed to the west like honey. Now a country that can't tell the difference between forged papers concerning Yellow Cake Uranium from Niger, a country that created Abu Graib, Guantanamo Bay, the secret prisons and prison ships around the world, a country that launched two recent wars on faked justifications and killed more than a million civilians, a country that overthrew 13 legitimate democracies, and that installed and financed 42 bloody and brutal dictatorships around the world, shouldn't be shooting off too loudly about human rights violations and IRAN; there are still murderers with badges, guilty of lynchings, running around free. By the way, Asians have a loooong memory and they remember the 'Chinese Exclusion Act'. They also know that the Opium Poppy is not and was never native-to-China. The British (read White-man) introduced it in order to addict the population and control the tea-silk-spice trade. Now the Chinese own us lock-stock and barrel. They are in Africa, the Mid-East and South America. Do you really think China (and Russia) will allow the U.S. or Israel to start World War III without them being involved?

Are you still stupid after all these years? Have you forgotten the U.S.S. Liberty which was attacked in international waters by Israeli forces on June 8, 1967, killing 34 Americans and wounding another 174?

James O'Donnell III
Fremont, CA

Seymour Hersh, the Pulitzer winner who accurately debunked Bush’s case for war in IRAQ, sheds light on today’s crusade to vilify Iran using the IAEA (from DemocracyNow, 6/3/11):

“What the IAEA said is something it’s been saying repeatedly, even under ElBaradei. And I must say, the new director general, Mr. Amano, is, I think, more willing to please us than ElBaradei was, just in terms of speculating more.

...The word ‘evidence’ was nowhere in the report. It’s been going on a long time... the IAEA has put out... report after report that say one thing, that’s the most important thing: NO EVIDENCE of any diversion of enriched materials, NO EVIDENCE that they’re squirreling away enriched uranium to make a secret bomb. They have a lot of uranium enriched, the 3.7 percent, yes, but there’s NO EVIDENCE they’re doing anything more than storing it up to run a civilian nuclear reactor... And so, it’s the same thing that’s been going on. You can look at the questions raised and lead your story with that, or you can look at the fact they say consistently that there’s been no diversion.”

And regarding those documents fed to the IAEA during Bush’s tenure -- the same SECRET-SOURCE, unauthenticated junk that’s been recycled for today’s warmongers (now that there’s a Western stooge leading the agency) -- here’s an excerpt from an IAEA press release in September 2009:

“...the IAEA reiterates that it has NO CONCRETE PROOF that there is or has been a nuclear weapon programme in Iran. At the Board of Governors´ meeting on 9 September 2009, Director General Mohamed ElBaradei warned that continuing allegations that the IAEA was withholding information on Iran are POLITICALLY MOTIVATED AND TOTALLY BASELESS.”

So now, in 2011, Washington is having secret meetings with its preferred IAEA director and AGAIN endeavoring to hurl the world into chaos based on a pack of lies. The evidence supporting THAT conclusion is abundant.

James O’Donnell III


The US Neo-Cons have been salivating over Syria and Iran for years now - all you have to do is read their report 'Rebuilding America's Defenses' on the Middle East found on the (now disappeared) web site of the 'Project for a New American Century' and the textbook instructions on how they and their proxy, Israel, plan on destabilizing those countries, overthrowing their leaders, and seizing the oil and natural gas resources for the US in their hegemonic drive to sole world power status - all part of what they call the "Great Game."

General Wesley Clark, who commanded the North Atlantic Treaty Organization bombing campaign in the Kosovo war, recalls in his 2003 book 'Winning Modern Wars' being told by a friend in the Pentagon in November 2001 that the list of states that Rumsfeld and deputy secretary of defense Paul Wolfowitz wanted to take down included Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Sudan and Somalia [and Lebanon].

When Douglas Feith was asked which of the six regimes on the Clark list were included in the Rumsfeld paper, he replied, "All of them."

Fortunately there are some saner heads standing up to the Israelis, the US and the Brits. Russia has finally started to exercise some clout and has warned Israel off of any attack or interference in the internal affairs of Iran or an attack on Iran's nuclear sites.

Now if we could get China to make similar suggestions to the US and the UK, then we might actually see some diplomatic skills at work and a defusing of the tensions that are threatening to embroil the US in yet another unaffordable war.

The Iranians are not stupid. Their civilization goes back way longer than others in the region. They are not Arabs, nor are they insane jihadists as other posters have written. They have never threatened the US.

This is all about making sure our puppet regimes in the Middle East are propped up with lackeys of our own making, and guaranteeing that oil and gas continue to flow. He who controls the oil controls the world.

Ike Solem

According to NYT reporter James Risen in his book, "State of War", a least some of that nuclear explosive trigger technology was delivered to Iran via a Russian engineer as the result of flawed covert CIA program (with some assistance from Department of Energy scientists), along the lines of the "Fast and Furious" fiasco in Mexico that led to the resignation of the ATF head.

This was all apparently true, as evidenced by the CIA and DOJ responses:

Subpoena Issued to Writer in C.I.A.-Iran Leak Case
Published: May 24, 2011

"WASHINGTON — With the approval of Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., federal prosecutors are trying to force the author of a book on the C.I.A. to testify at a criminal trial about who leaked information to him about the agency’s effort to sabotage the Iranian nuclear program at the end of the Clinton administration."

Given similar claims about the Iraqi nuclear program - made by both the UN agency as well as by the Bush Administration lackeys - all this should be considered highly suspect.

If the UN would generate a report on Israel's nuclear weapons program, to go hand-in-hand with the one on the supposed Iranian version, then they might have a little more credibility on this.

John Williford
Richland, Washington

We see an endless chain of demonization of foreigners, creating the enemies needed to manipulate the public to support endless military actions and enrichment of the elite military-industrial complex. The pattern is the old technique of manipulation of meat puppets who imagine that their voting privilege gives them leverage on events. It is the story of Mussolini in Italy and Adolph Hitler in Germany. It is an easily recognized pattern of fascism.

If, like the Germans of the 1930s, we eat the hate-mongering garbage we are fed and continue to ignore the theft of our republic by the current crop of fascists, we will no doubt continue to be drawn into endless war, and greater and greater war criminality.

Fascism is an amoral system, playing to the most base aspects of crowd psychology. In the short term, it creates an illusion of being part of a Master Race (read American Exceptionalism), which is taken as an entitlement or exemption from law and morality.

Although it is said that the trains ran on time in Italy during the fascist period, the system does not have legs. In pragmatic terms, fascism doesn't work, because the dependence on external enemies and constant war leads to collapse and loss. This is not rocket science.

Looking at the Italian fascists and the German Nazi party, only an ignorant fool afflicted with exceptional vanity would purposely take this path.

The question ahead of US is:  Does China want to own Iran?  Hint:  Is China getting a better deal from the liberated Libya than from Qaddafi?

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