To Reach Simple Life of Summer Camp, Lining Up for Private JetsWe, the never socialist people, comment:
Even as the economy limps along, more of the nation’s wealthier families are cutting out the car ride and chartering planes to fly to summer camps.
of 4Next
Vienna, VA
July 25th, 2011
7:30 am
See, they do need lower taxes.
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Unemployed in the Midwest
July 25th, 2011
7:31 am
I just woke on day 20 of my first unemployment in 25 years, and as usual am reading all the papers to stay current. This is just a horrifying article, what a punch in the face to the millions of families struggling. Clearly there winners in this bizarre economy, but an article like this could actually be a tipping point.
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July 25th, 2011
7:30 am
After camp is finished, maybe these kids return to their 20,000 dollar backyard playhouses. Somtimes, I think the NYT publishes these types of articles to push our middle and working class buttons.
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New Jersey
July 25th, 2011
7:32 am
Please don't raise their taxes. It might create a hint of discomfort in their lives.
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July 25th, 2011
7:33 am
And this luxury for rich kids, while a third of US children are in households below the official poverty line, a very low standard indeed. But, hey, this is America, USA No.1, the model for all the world to follow. Raising taxes on the rich, to say the Eisenhower era level, would be treason.
Recommend Recommended by 97 Readers
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C Murray
Alexandria VA
July 25th, 2011
7:30 am
Well, I think that these parents, more than likely, could afford to pay a little more in taxes than the other 96% of American's, contrary to what the Republican's seem to think! These people have way, way too much money, they should humble themselves and have their kids take a Greyhound Bus, like I did in the late 60's! PITTIFUL!!
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New Fairfield, Ct
July 25th, 2011
7:32 am
I think these people could afford to pay a little more in taxes don't you?
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Madame de Farge
July 25th, 2011
7:30 am
Better than using that money to create jobs!
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July 25th, 2011
7:33 am
Arrrrrgggggggh.......and the right has the temerity to hold America hostage to protect Connecticut hedge fund managers and their Jets?
Let them eat cake, indeed.
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New Jersey
July 25th, 2011
7:33 am
I can only imagine the self of entitlement these teens and families must have arriving in a jet. An absolutely horrible example to set during these times of economic troubles. So much for the quality time with your children during the road trip.
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July 25th, 2011
7:32 am
..."brought on two extra people to help handle the traffic last weekend."
See? Trickle-down DOES work!
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Fall River, MA
July 25th, 2011
7:33 am
God forbid we require these parents to depreciate their jets over seven years, because we all know the toll these planes take carting around precious 13 year old cargo to summer camp and no doubt private school in the fall! Don't you realize the major impact that will have on her trust fund? The horrors!
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Scott Contreras-Koterbay
Johnson City, TN
July 25th, 2011
7:32 am
Seriously? No, I mean... SERIOUSLY? Rich people bemoan and bedevil the notion of entitlements for people of lower incomes, but even if they are able to afford it this still speaks of an egregious mindset filled with a sense of entitlement. Perish the thought that the children might not see their parents for seven weeks while at camp, or that the parents might have to schedule a complete day to either bringing or picking up their children.
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July 25th, 2011
7:33 am
yeah and we should't vote to tax the wealthy cause we wouldn't want their kids to have to fly commercial or horrors, drive or take a train or bus.
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Charles Teague
New York, NY
July 25th, 2011
7:32 am
Please don't do stories like this.
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Canaan, NY
July 25th, 2011
7:43 am
The rich simply have too much money. Their current tax rate is lower than it was under Reagan. While they can throw money away on private jets and chartered jets, working Americans struggle each day.
This article has a good point -- President Obama wants to raise some revenues to address the US's deficit. One of the things he's suggested is changing the depreciation on private jets and big yachts from 7 years to 5 years.
Yet this small amount of revenue is too much for the Republicans. They prefer to cut funding for the FAA, for better tornado tracking, and better emergency response systems for natural disasters.
Which is more important to Republicans - letting a 50K a year government employees keep their job or making it easier for the wealthy to afford their private jets?
You decide. And remember that November 6, 2012.
Recommend Recommended by 45 Readers
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Ira. B.
New York City
July 25th, 2011
7:30 am
I just returned from visiting day weekend in Maine. By car. It only takes 6 hours from New York, and we got to stop for Lobster at the Chauncey Creek Lobster on the way in and pizza at Frank Pepe's on the way back. Sure beats a peanut butter sandwich (or even a lobster) flying private.
Also, talk about leaving a carbon footprint!
Recommend Recommended by 40 Readers
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New York
July 25th, 2011
7:42 am
This is just weird. And gross.
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Portland, Maine
July 25th, 2011
7:30 am
Oh good, less traffic for us commoners to deal with on I-95.
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new orleans
July 25th, 2011
7:42 am
I know people have the right to make choices with their money, but I am offended to read that campers take private planes. Have their parents heard about the starving children in Somalia? Do they think about the impoverished kids in cities who never get a couple of weeks of fresh air? What values are they teaching their children? It's time for higher taxes on those making above $250,000 a year.
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Tucson, AZ
July 25th, 2011
7:43 am
Is flying their kids to summer camp on private jets the way the rich create jobs with their extended tax breaks? All those who want to raise the debt ceiling at the expense of the poor, elderly, and middle class ought to be proud.
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Jeanne Elias
Waitsfield, VT
July 25th, 2011
7:42 am
Oh Please!!! This is too much! Now tell me that the little Anna is going to work for the Peace Corps some day and help all the unfortunates in some exotic foreign country.
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HIGHLIGHT (What's this?)
July 25th, 2011
8:05 am
I hope kids are taught at these camps to appreciate nature and the damage that senseless consumption does to it.
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New York
July 25th, 2011
8:04 am
This story is actually really depressing.
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Joseph L Cooke
Washington DC
July 25th, 2011
7:31 am
My grandson traveled to his summer camp yesterday in a Cessna 182. His parents are not wealthy, but didn't want their 10 year child fondled or sexually molested by TSA thugs.
Recommend Recommended by 15 Readers [ISN'T THERE A SPECIAL CATEGORY FOR THIS COMMENT?]
albany, ny
July 25th, 2011
8:08 am
During the Depression, the rich were decent enough or perhaps fearful enough to tone down ostentatious displays of wealth. During World War II, their children fought bravely beside the most impoverished of their fellow countryman. Today's upper class now fights modest tax increases that would stabilize our economy so that they can build $250,000 playhouses for their toddlers and fly their tweens in private jets to rustic summer camps. Like Dick Cheney, their priorities do not include military service. It appears that they no longer consider the rest of the citizens of this country their fellow Americans.
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HIGHLIGHT (What's this?)
alexandria, va
July 25th, 2011
8:26 am
poster #3--exactly. These stories DO push our working- and middle-class buttons. That's exactly why we should have more of them. This kind of wealth should not be allowed to be invisible. Then people might know just what kind of a farce it is to have a million-dollar bonus when working people are losing their homes.
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Durham, NC
July 25th, 2011
8:10 am
I work in a homeless shelter. I see the ravages of poverty on bodies and souls. I see the effects of the increasing gap between the extremely rich and the extremely poor. The increase in the use of private jets for the convenience of the extremely rich who are seeking summer recreational activities highlights the widening gap between the bulging wealth of the rich and the deprivations of the poor. I wonder if the children of the wealthy wouldn't benefit more from a week of service in the inner city, or Appalachia, or a migrant farm camp.
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HIGHLIGHT (What's this?)
orange kayak
charlotte, nc
July 25th, 2011
8:10 am
The sad part is that these kids will grow up so detached from normal teenage expectations, like having to work and commit for things, that their wealthy parents will have to provide for them for the rest of their lives. I have seen all too often that this level of lavish treatment on kids pretty much ruins them for any chance of a normal life with modest expectations. Best chance for them is to marry well and try to keep it rolling!
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Ingrid S
July 25th, 2011
8:07 am
The averaged per capita income in Maine is just short of $25,000. So that $3700 bargain chartered plane ride is nearly two months of the average Mainers pay.
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CrabbyTom In NC
Wilmington NC
July 25th, 2011
8:04 am
Wow, really? If ever there were an argument for letting the tax cuts on the rich expire, this is it. I suppose the jobs the "job creators" are creating is for private pilots. Meanwhile, it costs taxpayers just as much to safely shepherd one of these rich kid buses as it does to guide a commercial jet filled with the suckers paying the bill for these spoiled brats (their parents included in that characterization).
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July 25th, 2011
7:43 am
Shameful -- I'm speechless.
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Jersey Shore
July 25th, 2011
7:43 am
These people need a tax cut!
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July 25th, 2011
7:42 am
Well as the tax structure turns more in their favor (thanks to GOP)they have more disposable income to indulge in these things. Nevertheless, I am happy for them as they do not have to drive long distances to meet their children. My eight year old decided that instead of going to a summer camp she would rather spend some time with her grandma and whatever money she will make us save will be used to buy her a computer.
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Jenny Emery
North Granby, CT
July 25th, 2011
7:31 am
Must be a slow news day, waiting for the debt impasse to break
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Joseph L Cooke
Washington DC
July 25th, 2011
7:31 am
My grandson traveled to his summer camp yesterday in a Cessna 182. His parents are not wealthy, but didn't want their 10 year child fondled or sexually molested by TSA thugs.
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HIGHLIGHT (What's this?)
Highland NY
July 25th, 2011
8:07 am
So wealthier tourists represent an economic engine of sorts. Many regions that have lost thier core businesses have tried to turn to tourism as an economic opportunity.
I just wonder if the number of private planes flying kids to summer camp in the northeast has increased over the years? It feeds into the idea that the wealthy (I assume these are millionaires) could pay a little more in taxes until America emerges from the economic downturn.
These folks certainly made out well over the years from the Bush tax cuts, that favored their large returns compared to working folks who got checks for $400 or the like.
Yes, America can also cut spending by some equal percentage across the board for all programs until a target amount is achieved. Please cut the military budget soon. It is one-third of all tax allocation annually.
But households making $250k or more per year could pay a few more percentage points for, say, three years. Could they not do without the proviate jts for kids to go to camp?
Recommend Recommended by 14 Readers
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Arthur Shatz
Bayside, NY
July 25th, 2011
7:43 am
What business is it of anyone's if these families can afford to do this. They're not asking anyone else to pay for it, unlike some other elements of our society that always seem to want some one else to pick up the tab.
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American Who Served
July 25th, 2011
8:06 am
Disgusting, and these greedy people refuse to pay their fair share in taxes! America has indeed changed for the much worse.
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Mr. E
New England
July 25th, 2011
8:06 am
Of course wealthy parents send their kids by plane ... spending a significant amount of time with their children would be out of the question!
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springfield, MA
July 25th, 2011
8:05 am
Contempt. Anger. Sick to my stomach. They use THEIR money to ruin the air we all have to breathe. And I suppose these summer camps pay some token service to protecting the environment? or maybe not.
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Goldman Sacks
July 25th, 2011
8:04 am
Most of the patents - the Kids too - must be rock solid Republicans who are fighting to maintain the Bush tax breaks and who won't give on this Debt Ceiling Impasse.........flying you Kids to camp in a private jet and they can't manage an increase in their taxes...........give me a frigging break!
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Marian B
July 25th, 2011
8:05 am
If they can afford this, they can afford more taxes.
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Los Gatos, CA
July 25th, 2011
7:31 am
Just the type of people Obama wants to tax into submission.
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Jacob handelsman
July 25th, 2011
7:42 am
That's the beauty of capitalism....If you work hard enough to become well-off, you and your family get to enjoy the fruits of your labor.Of course,if you're a socialist like Obama or a Welfare entitlement junkie like most of the Democratic party and their constituemcy, Life is just too unfair for those who are unable or unwilling to succeed. We'll just take from those who have and give it to those who don't.
Recommend Recommended by 11 Readers
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Albany, NY
July 25th, 2011
8:09 am
The constant publishing of these articles on the rich, while most Americans suffer in a horrible economy, only reinforces the notion that our elites and the press that waits on them are completely out of touch with the rest of the country. If this article, the recent one last week about the extravagant playhouses for children, and others of their ilk do not inspire us to descend into the streets, I don't know what will. Please NY Times, please save your front page for stories about the reality of 95% of this country - living on an average income of $35,000 per year, like my own family of four.
Recommend Recommended by 10 Readers
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Both Ways
July 25th, 2011
8:09 am
I did not read the article. The headline alone was enough. One day, maybe, this country will wake up. The disparity in wealth will come home to roost. If the poor and middle class realized that it is myth that they have any chance of obtaining this kind of wealth, then we may get polices that reduce the disparity. But then again, maybe pigs and not just rich kids will fly!
Recommend Recommended by 10 Readers
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The knob
South Acworth, nh
July 25th, 2011
8:07 am
I for one am very, very glad this poor child's family won't have to pay more taxes so my family can get the medicare benefits they need.
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San Francisco
July 25th, 2011
8:06 am
So this is how the wealthy engage in job creation these days: mumsey and daddy sending Biff and Boopsie off to summer camp by private jet. How reassuringly republican...
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The Republicans say no to higher taxes.
New York
July 25th, 2011
8:05 am
Who is kidding who. The Republicans refuse to raise taxes while the rich spend foolishly.
Recommend Recommended by 9 Readers
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Paul Gebhard
saratoga springs, NY
July 25th, 2011
8:08 am
And taxes don't need to be raised on the richest Americans? ....Give me a break!
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The Republicans say no to higher taxes.
New York
July 25th, 2011
8:05 am
Who is kidding who. The Republicans refuse to raise taxes while the rich spend foolishly.
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Rich Carrell
Medford, NJ
July 25th, 2011
8:16 am
Hey, it's America. People can do what they want with their money. The problem lies with how they have accumulated the money. Was it at the expense of other people's jobs? Was it the result of tax breaks or subsides for their company? Maybe they should show this story to FOX and see if they repeat it. Not a chance.
Recommend Recommended by 8 Readers
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HIGHLIGHT (What's this?)
Paul Kramer
July 25th, 2011
8:15 am
Trips for vacations and to camp (vacation without parents) used to be done by car; i.e., without jets or ipods. We kids got a sense of geography, what made states different, heard accents and generally made our own associations The radio played pop rock (Summer in the City), country (Ode to Billy Joe), gospel (Lean On Me), bluegrass (Gentle on My Mind), soul (Just My Imagination), folk (Turn, Turn, Turn) and regional hits. It might be a small world nowadays but such overlooks an authentic world that now lies unnoticed.
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Chevy Chase MD
July 25th, 2011
8:08 am
Let's make sure we continue giving tax breaks to these folks. They are so deserving and needy.
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United States
July 25th, 2011
8:10 am
Today, the country crumbles around us with the economy, environment, and health and educational systems in tatters. When the rich fly their kids to camp on private jets, we hope they will be haunted by the headless ghost of Marie Antoniette who pranced about her dairy farm oblivious to the starving French people. "Let them eat cake."
Recommend Recommended by 7 Readers
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July 25th, 2011
8:12 am
In Lawrenceville GA there is a facility that provides services for adult mentally disabled that is struggling to provide necessary services. Where is the magic?
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New York
July 25th, 2011
8:07 am
Well, I'm glad to see that those Bush tax cuts are stimulating the economy.
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Washington, DC
July 25th, 2011
8:06 am
Usually I laugh when someone proclaims the NYT has a liberal bias outside of the opinion pages. There is, however, no actual news in this featured article other than "the rich suck".
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Niagara Falls
July 25th, 2011
8:26 am
No doubt the ride was deductable.
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July 25th, 2011
8:26 am
Private summer camp jets and $50,000 playhouses. These are the people that the Republicans say can't afford to pay more in taxes? The politics of running this country are really screwed up. The Democrats have lost their way. The Republicans are on a crusade to protect the rich. And the Tea Party members are just plain crazy. Where are the voices talking about how those of us who can should be willing to pay a little more to help those who can't, and to see to it that basic piblic services in this great country are fully funded? Stinginess and greed rule the day.
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Shelburne Falls, MA
July 25th, 2011
8:26 am
Last week there was your article about the playhouses of the children of the obscenely rich. Now this! Did it ever occur to these people that they could contribute tens of thousands of dollars to a worthwhile charity and still fly their spoiled kids first class to summer camp? I can only hope that the NY Times' motive behind these two articles is to cast some shame on the uber rich.
Recommend Recommended by 6 Readers
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Madison, WI
July 25th, 2011
8:07 am
It's this kind of thing that makes me think that the wealthy in this country could stand to pay higher taxes.
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Vineyard Haven,MA
July 25th, 2011
8:07 am
& so many kids cannot even afford camp! This is such a telling photo of what is wrong in our country today.
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July 25th, 2011
8:26 am
Please don't make these people suffer by raising their taxes. Just imagine the sacrifices they'd have to make. It would be inhumane.
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Dennis Ferguson
July 25th, 2011
8:26 am
Why waste a lot of money on infrastructure when you can just take a private jet to anywhere you want to go? This is what it has come to. If gerrymandering is not dealt with, this country is going to become just another banana republic.
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Mpls, MN
July 25th, 2011
8:16 am
Vomit. Maybe they could take a detour and do some community service in Afghanistan, Libya or Iraq instead.
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John Cane
Burlington, Vermont
July 25th, 2011
8:26 am
Just another example of the wide divide between the wealthy few and the rest of America. I wonder how many of these jets provide tax write offs for their owners as we wait to see how the debt crisis is settled?
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HIGHLIGHT (What's this?)
Pompano Beach FL
July 25th, 2011
8:10 am
This article, listed on the front page, with a comment board immediately open, is meant for the sole purpose of generating ire and contempt.
No doubt that it will succeed in doing so.
If someone can afford a private jet... so be it. And I can admit, that whatever contempt and perhaps envy that I may feel, is mostly attributable to sour grapes.
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Charleston, SC
July 25th, 2011
8:09 am
This shows that the Republicans are right. If taxes were raised on the wealthy, and corporate jets were taxed, then these families would drive their cars and put a lot of private jet pilots out of work. A clear example of "job crushing" tax increases. And think of the inconvenience for these children!
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New York, New York
July 25th, 2011
8:09 am
The NYT seems never to tire of its obsession with the lives of our wealthy class. Ok, perhaps you don't have to be a millionaire to snag a $750 ride on a private jet to the exclusive summer camp where your kids are ostensibly learning how to 'slum it'. But you do have to be wealthier than any working or middle class families I know.
Yet even as so many American taxpayers continue to face financial distress; and, on a week when we've just witnessed a terrible terrorist attack in Norway, when our own government is being held hostage to an extremist political agenda, this is what you choose to put front and center online? Shame on you, NYT, what an insult to your readership and your profession.
Of course in the interests of fair and balanced reporting, you really are obligated to now run a story about how families live who can't even afford to send their kids to an average summer camp. But what, go slumming into the middle class? You must be gasping at the thought.
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Roland Berger
St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada
July 25th, 2011
8:07 am
Why using a car when one can fly to anywhere in the world? Driving cars is (was?) for middle class.
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Ned Waller
July 25th, 2011
8:06 am
After all has been said about the debt limit crisis (and little has been done) this articles makes it clear that the Republicans' intransigence to eliminating tax subsidies for private jets is really about about protecting family values and children. In these difficult economic times we should be grateful that the US government helps subsidize wealthy families' summer travels.
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July 25th, 2011
8:06 am
America, land of opportunity...
My guess for coming summer camp trends:
- Transport by imperial litter, so kids can imagine they're Cleopatra.
- Now that space flight has been privatized, summer camp in orbit. Not only can the kids look down on everyone else, but they'll burn a few oil fields worth of rocket fuel, and make their parents even richer!
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Silver Spring, MD
July 25th, 2011
8:35 am
Lets give them a tax break for using their private jet to get the kids to camp. We can get the money from cutting VA, and Medicare! Lets do it the GOP (Gold Over People) way!
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