Union officials claimed a nationwide turnout of more than 3.5 million people, an increase of 20 percent from the previous strike on Sept. 23, while the French interior ministry put the figure closer to 1.23 million, up from just under a million in the last strike. In Paris, the police counted 89,000 protesters, up from 75,000 previously.While NYTimes is silent on the actual demands of the protesters, mentioning only the coming into law of a 2-year increase of the retirement age, a certain labor lawyer, Mr. Vergne, is quoted with saying,
It is hard to know; Protesting is kind of a national sport in France.NYTimes keeps betting on this slogan to provoke the Pavlovian reflex in the American public. Let's hear the vox populi.
Centerville Iowa
Enough! Enough of the rich people gambling & losing money & then expecting working people to pay for it.
French working people are standing up for all the working people of the world. The strike should stand until the oligarchs who run France surrender.
Working people deserve the fruits of their labor. 99% of all income should go to working people. Let the rich eat cake.
Oh dear threats that the economy will collapse if the French workers do not accept to work until they drop. Apparently the heirs of the Bourgeoisie still haven't noticed that social passivity on a massive scale doesn't stop Capitalist economies from periodically collapsing. And yet this process has being going on for hundreds of years. One infamous German academic even suggested that such a propensity to failure was built in to the Capitalist process itself. Still I'm sure its only a matter of time before the economic recession in the USA is blamed on the American workers inability to live on a bowl of rice a day.
New York
I suspect that even here--even among the well-educated and well-read--we will see lots of union bashing.
Since Reagan busted the Air Traffic Control unions, we've heard continual, well-orchestrated, wildly successful messaging sent down from on-high by the corporatists through their various propaganda outlets--that workers, especially professionals like teachers and nurses--are greedy incompetents and the essential cause of our economic troubles.
Of course it's the messagers themselves--the money-obsessed blowhards who thrill at the thought of cheap labor and revel in entitlements (i.e., tax breaks and deregulation)--that have brought this country to its knees.
This is the moment we should be EXPANDING the labor movement and boycotting, marching and picketing, before--as Babeouf says--we will be living on a bowl of rice a day. The corporatists would simply love that ending.
Peoria, AZ
I admire the French!
They are not like ignorant Americans who sit by idly while Big Money and their tools in government want to cut middle class benefits before letting unfordable tax cuts for Big Money expire and reducing the budget of the huge bloated Military Industrial Complex.
I couldn't agree with mickyeyrad more. With pensions all but gone in the US, people who've worked all their lives find themselves on the brink of disaster. Why shouldn't workers be handsomely rewarded for their hard work over many years, even if they are paid well and have benefits through either the workplace or the state? Why should only the managers and executives be able to live easily and comfortably when they've completed their working years?
John F
The French unions have simply got to accept that the way of life they demand is not affordable. The country cannot afford to pay full pensions to employees who work thirty-five hours per week, retire at sixty and live until ninety. It is literally unsustainable.
If they are not able to accept this, then they will bring their economy down. That's all there is to it.
[Yeah, right! Keep that London of yours in the 19th century, John! Babeouf has seen the light, perhaps because he's Irish? Just kidding!]
A Credit and Bankruptcy Scholar
New York, New York
An occasional strike is the price of equality. If Americans had the courage and organization to do what the French are doing, then Americans would still have defined benefit pensions, job security, limited work hours, fully paid healthcare, and affordable education.
But too many Americans have become used to being slaves to those with more money than themselves. They've lost their self respect and dignity, and as a result, they're losing their jobs, their homes, and their life savings.
Bob Bell
Mount Pleasant, S.C.
A couple posts to this story are attempting to make this another example of how the rich in society are continually taking advantage of the downtrodden masses for their selfish benefit. That may be true, but the reality of what is going on in Western Europe is a far different reality: the masses are trying to prevent any degree of responsible behavior by their elected officials and beginning to live within their means.
Many European economies are in difficulty for a simple reason: the costs of social services are rising at a greater rate than the ability of that nation's population to grow revenues, either because the many services they receive are simply out of proportion with income or because economic or demographic factors are contributing to slower historic growth rates. It is happening in Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal and several other EU nations where the population is aging and the birth rate is dropping.
No one likes to take less, but the citizens of these social democracies will have to. The only other option is for them to continue spending beyond their means, exacerbating their problem and engaging in more and more counter productive strikes and disruptions of services to the masses.
Oh, by the way, the same fate is awaiting our citizenry; we just haven't woken up to it but continue to ask our elected officials to borrow trillions from the Chinese every year to support our deficits and pass the due bill on to our children. We often blame the Western European nations for their reliance on benefits and "socialism." We don't have the common sense or economic IQ to realize we are exactly like them; but we feel superior hiding behind the myth that, somehow, American debt and selfishness is superior to that from Europe.
[Bob nailed it, he must unknowingly work for the capitalists, if he's not one of them.]
new york city
I hope the protests grow even larger and shift into a general strike. Why should the working class pay for the mistakes of the global capitalist class? It doesn't make any sense, especially if the majority of the population is against such reforms! It is called democracy and the government, which protects the interests of the bourgeoisie, cannot impose something that the majority of the people disagree with, especially when they had not part in creating the global capitalist meltdown in the first place!
Hopefully workers here will stop waxing poetic about "ONE NATION" and actually decide to mobilize in a meaningful way against such reforms.
Capitalism is unsustainable in every way possible. Do we really think that markets can forever grow and GDP will always be able to continually rise? Workers have become more productive while wages have become stagnant in this country, hence the consumer debt that sky rocketed in order to sustain the facade of a growing standard of living. Well now my generation is having to deal with the careless actions of my predecessors and we are growing angry and educated about this stuff!
The Frog
The issues are indeed bigger than the pensions. The pensions are simply the focus of angers for what is widely considered as a growing "social unfairness". Austerity is one thing, but it is difficult to convey the message of rising the age of pensions when the government and senators are playing with different rules. Senators, who are currently voting on the pension law, can obtain a 2000 USD lifetime pension starting after 5 years of activity... versus 40-42 years of activity for an average citizen. Meanwhile, new major tax cuts for the biggest national fortunes are being offered, hampering further the national income and becoming a symbol of the above-mentioned unfairness.
The points above are examples merely highlighting why the government austerity policy became at best unreadable, at worst incoherent to the public eye. The unwillingness to openly negotiate with the unions has triggered considerable tensions and the results are seen these days in the street and in the polls.
Romeo Charlie
LA, California
How ironic. The Republicans are probably smiling gleefully at the French government. Taking away money from the nanny state to give to the rich is precisely what the leadership is doing in France. This is the Republican masterful playbook. It is shameful the French leadership has mismanaged the French pension fund and are using the financial crises to fool people into thinking the pension fund is squeezed for money. Who is responsible for the projections?
The prime culprit is the European Central Bank. The folks here who create policy know a good thing: stay away from the decisions they make and keep the blame on the French citizen.
Baltimore, Md.
I think that all Western governments, European and US, would do well to start the austerity at the top. Everyone understands that this economic crisis occurred because of excesses of the corporate rich, especially the banking industry, and that is where the austerity starts. As long as governments refuse to implement substantial taxes on the wealthy to pay down the deficit, average people should fight hard against this attack on social programs.
Diogenes the Dawg
N. Padre Island, Tx.
This French dilemma will soon be coming to a municipality near you. City and state budgets all over America are going broke paying for police, fire, teacher and civil service pensions. These pensions need to be eliminated and the affected work force transfered to the Social Security system like the other 99% of the populace. This would have the added social benefit of giving these folks more of a motive/incentive to care about what happens to the rest of us as well.
Viva la France! If I could join them, I would. Why aren't Americans taking to the streets? If not now, when?
The Frog
A few additional figures for those who might be inclined to believe the strikes and protests going on can be dismissed as ridiculous and French have nothing to complain about.
The 60 year age for pension is the *minimum* age and valid only if you have worked for 40 years fully. Which means... no break for kids, no unemployment, no long studies, no accident. For anything mentioned above, you'll have to retire later, up to 65 year old (soon 67). If you have worked less than 40 years, your pension will be severely reduced.
But a few questions are asked when it comes to rising the age of pensions, especially when:
- seniors (55y+) have enormous difficulties finding a job. Their employment rate is 38%
- juniors (15-25y) either struggle to obtain a job or make long studies. Their employment rate is 32%
It is a common joke to say that the death rate in some companies is higher than the retirement rate. Why ? Because senior people are often laid off before they have a chance to retire, and then finish their career unemployed. Statistically, few reach the age of retirement while still active.
The over-simplistic accounting argument “work longer to pay for the pension” stops being valid when so many seniors are unemployed and are therefore getting money from the country instead of producing value. The problem is more complex than simple math.
Lynn in DC
Cradle-to-grave protection is no longer sustainable when there aren't enough workers to finance that lifestyle. Where do the unions think the money is going to come from to pay retirement benefits to Boomers? The answers are cut pension benefits, increase the retirement age OR perhaps receive no pension at all if the system becomes bankrupt. Do the unions propose viable alternatives? Strikes seem childish and useless in this day and age.
Bob Bell is 100% correct. There really isn't anything for me to add.
Yes, blame for the financial collapse lies primarily at the feet of banks, unscrupulous fund managers, and traders, but that doesn't change the fact the we in the West have been outliving our means. The bankers are simply a symptom of greater societal problems. We have increased our social services, our commercial standard of living, while our marginal productivity has decreased. Simply put, we are consuming value faster than we can produce it. It doesn't help that our economies rely on banking, services, and "tech" with little actual societal value (i.e. facebook).
New York
It's refreshing to finally read about workers who are as mad as hell and they're not going to take it anymore! Here in the good ol' USA organized labor has been running scared ever since President Corporate Shill Reagan was able to break the air traffic controllers union with relative ease. Corporate Shill Reagan emboldened his corporate masters in letting them stick it to their workers with his "trickle down" philosophy in redistributing wealth to all of his rich cronies leaving the middle class with next to nothing. American workers have never recovered from the Reagan debacle.
Maybe the French can dust off the old guillotine and reserve it for corporate crooks. Off with their heads! Vive la France!
First my sincere congratulations to the French working class people for their courage to fight for their interests and refusal to swallow the corporatist plutocratic propaganda that most Americans swill like drunkards.
From an economist's perspective, I find bob Bell's and Jacob10583's comments to be reminiscent of the typical false argument that is put forth by Republicans and monopolizes the US media’s focus during any discussion about responsible government spending. This propaganda suggests a false choice between cutting social benefits/ entitlements that benefit the middle class and poor or fiscal ruin.
In fact, however, it is not spending on social benefits that is bankrupting the US but our runaway health care costs, pork barrel spending at the bequest of corporate special interests, and our absurd spending on our militaristic empire necessary to be the world’s policemen.
The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are currently expected to cost near $2 Trillion - that’s 2000 Billions - and Bush and the military originally sold us on the war by saying it would cost only about $80 billion or less because the oil would pay for the war and the reconstruction of the region. This type of propaganda – and the diminished intellect of the American citizenry which is too uninformed to detect and reject it – even when it is obvious after the fact - is what is bankrupting the US - not spending on social security or other entitlements.
And also a word on entitlements, - social security is not a “gift” afforded to citizens as it is typically characterized by the American media - it is something we are entitled to like any other property we pay for because citizens have paid for this entitlement through the social security taxes we pay from our paychecks.
"Late Monday, the [French] Senate, the upper house of the legislature, voted to raise the age of retirement with a full pension to 67 from 65" (NYTimes, 10/12/10).
Why stop at age 67? What about rounding up to 70!?!
This is absurd: the upper-middle class + wealthy top 5% can checkout + luxuriate on the backs of the majority French workers (what remains of the middle class) who will have to work longer before retiring themselves!
Let's call this what it really is: serfdom.
Basel, Switzerland
Bravo to the French. Yes, the capitalists and freemarketeers would really love it if workers would just shut up and do as they are told, the invisible hand, so the neo-liberals, is only for people making a ton of money. Forget it. Every single revolution in history has had to do with the haves having a lot on the backs of the have nots.
The last recession is a perfect example. The governments are all saying "we have to tighten our belts". But not everyone. My monthly costs went up by about 300 euros in the past 18 months. Why does my landlord NOT have to tighten HIS belt???
Hetty Green
Imagine what might happen if we had mass strikes in the US? (That's right -- everyone arrested, no change.....)
Vive la France...
I love the French people. period.
here is another example of lies and lies: the rich took 2.5 trillions from SS... and suddenly, the SS cannot pay its promises so poor must take the hit :)
of course, the media writes for the rich because they are funded by the rich.. fortunately, at least French people are not as stupid as rest of world.
here is next thing that rich can try: make sure the marriages are world class mistakes as it happens in India/Pakistan.. then the kids produced will be absolutely like machine and will obey all orders.. but hey,,,, would you really like world full of such machines?
rei vilo
As Former President General de Gaulle put it, "How could you govern a country with more different kinds of cheese than days in a year?"
Now, the strikes involve primarily civil servants "les fonctionnaires" who want to clash with their employer, i.e.. the State. They don't care about the non-State sector and free business companies.
The strikes also include a specific class of age, close to retirement, which was aged 15-25 on May 1968. This generation has eaten what their parents built after WWII, has saved nothing during their working lite-time and now wants the next generation to pay for them.
Last but not least, France has only one political party able to govern, Sarkozy's UMP. the Socialist Party has nothing to propose and remains silent. The far-left dreams with anarchy and Revolution, hence the enrollment of kids and teens.
France is that close to a violent surge from free-enterprise employees against civil servants, from younger generations against the 68 generation.
Who said that "France [was] the only working communist country"? What's the wrong word: "working" or "communist"?
I'm French and I live in France: shall I plan to emigrate?
Yet the NYT forget to mention that Eric Woerth, the minister in charge of the so called "reform" (a step backward to the 70', btw) is involved in numerous illegal funding activity of the presidential party UMP. Plus, in addition, a unbelievable conflict of interest. After being both the finance manager of Sarkozy's party and the state treasury minister for 2 years he just resigned from his party appointment. Now every week or so a new revelation about how he helped, thanks to his position as minister, hiding tax evasion fraud from billionaires (including the one his wife used to work for) that happen to be also big donors to Sarkozy's party that he was working for is being published.
The government call the activity of bringing up to light such dirty connections "a reminder of the 30's propaganda" and paradoxically tries to hide the scandal under far-right rhetoric against illegal aliens and Romanians. The entire population is definitely fed-up with this bunch of corrupted rightist politicians and their clique of heirs and billionaires, and really wants to send a clear message. The "reform" is just the cherry atop of it, since Woerth keeps referring to his "noble" sense of equity and his "honest" face (true!) to argue against valuable arguments raised by the Unions...
Kansas City, MO
The comment from John F., London:
"The French unions have simply got to accept that the way of life they demand is not affordable. The country cannot afford to pay full pensions to employees who work thirty-five hours per week, retire at sixty and live until ninety. It is literally unsustainable."
What would people living before or around the French Revolution would have said about this? Well, we cannot afford to change, because it would mean that average citizen will have a little better life at the expense of luxuries enjoyed by the aristocracy. Then they will not work hard and economy would suffer. Hmm.
May be it is useful to know that almost all European countries have retirement age limits at 65 or 67. This was also the case in France till 1982 or 83 when the Socialists under President Mitterrand lowered it from 65 years to 60, in order to fulfill a campaign promise made by Mitterrand himself. A presidential election is due in 2012; the Socialists and their allies hope to win this election thanks to their promise (delivered solemnly to the "peuple de France" by Ségolène Royal, former presidential candidate who lost against Pres. Sarkozy in the 2007 election) to turn back to 60 if they win. As the French saying goes : "Ceci explique cela" (this explains that). What they miss to do right now is to explain how they will finance the system - other than increasing taxes, their favorite and usually sole remedy. Of course, the new taxes will be aimed at "les riches" ! But as usual, the middle classes would foot the potential bills.
PS: May be it is also useful to know that under Mitterrand's 14 years tenure (1981-1995), there were four devaluations of the French currency ("franc" at the time), i.e. 1981, 82, 83 and 86. I still have a vivid recollection of these feats :). They were the starting point of the huge state deficit spiral which still goes on.
The Frog
A few more facts and figures from frogland...
the posts painting the protesters as "insiders", from corporations having huge benefits or civil servants are at best inaccurate. We are talking 1.2 to 3.5 million protesters in the streets during today's protests. That would be a quite significant number of insiders.
Today is the fourth of the protests that happened both during week days and during week-ends, bringing very different populations in the street, some who couldn't do it during a work day for obvious reasons.
Lastly, about French people living above their means... France is listed in 2010 as the third country hosting the biggest number of millionaires after the USA and Japan.
Now one might wonder: is the bottom-line problem connected to the lack of wealth, or about the repartition of wealth ? It's a question of perspective and picking the facts suiting one’s argument.
New York City
I lived in France for almost three years. I am very critical of the "French way" when it's misguided, arrogant, or both (it can be both). But I applaud the French in this nationwide action, because if they give in now it's just the beginning of unbridled capitalism and GOP-like prescriptions for "sustained growth and prosperity" -- privatized Social Security, limited or zilch mass transit, delayed repairs to infrastructure, the rationing of health care (you purchase a plan for your child but can't afford one for yourself). Those are prescriptions for a utilitarian country, a third-world country, and the French want no part of it. Aux barricades!
David Sassoon
Paris France
I am an ex-pat living here and part of this crazy system in France. Those who know me know all too well that I am very critical of many aspects of life here. However, I do not worry about my health insurance nor the quality of the schools and the municipal services. Paris has outstanding public transport which still works even during this strike. But neither the government nor the 'people' are uniquely right or wrong in this story. The pension scheme is simply being adjusted for a longer life span. But it is also true that social funds are tight, in part due to an immense abuse by 'the people' and a refusal of the very rich to chip in a bit more. I have witnessed more people 'play the system' for maximizing the money they get instead of using the social safety nets only when needed but France also loses some of the very rich who relocate to other countries to avoid the higher taxes.
I do not agree with the protests and personally think that advancing the retirement age by 2 or 3 years is not such a tragedy. But on the other hand, you must acknowledge the contrast to what is going on in the USA. France is a country in which over 60% of the people vote and politics is still a fact-filled and tedious discussion that cannot even fit into a Tea party 30 second sound bite.
Oslo, Norway
It is false to presume that students, workers on strike have a reasoned rational for their actions. It is more likely that the massive strikes reflect a culture of discontent, whether directed at banks, corporate chiefs or government cronies.
At the end of the day, the strikes will only harm the French, students, workers, parents, kids, and those that are hoping to retire one day.
The economic reality today is that more people have to work, longer and harder if they want to retire early, with a comfortable or even a basic pension.
It seems that the democracies face at least two problems, which seem somewhat intertwined. The thrill of spending someone else's money, whether through bailouts and preferential tax treatment, entitlement spending, or deficit spending with no plan to be repaid during the lifetime of the borrower is at the heart of the issue.
Corporations that are rewarded with preferential tax treatment, both for stockholders and investors, need to understand that they can not have what they want, insofar as a system in which when the going is smooth, and profits are ripe, they can decide to lavish upon themselves riches, and call it just rewards. They would justifiably have that option, were it not for the fact that they promote regulation to their benefit, and occasionally societies detriment, whether through barriers to entry of competition, or differential tax treatment, etc., and also, when the going gets rough, they want to be bailed out either through favorable interest rate policy, government backed loans, or wholesale rescue from the public purse. If corporations wish to have a social safety net provided by the government, they need to pay for it, just like everyone else. If corporations want lower taxes, then they need to accept lower levels of services, just like everyone else. If corporations don't want foreign competition, (whether from domestic companies, or those people who speak differently) they need to deal with the higher cost imposed by workers/consumers wanting similar protection and barriers to entry from competition.
If workers want to retire at 60, receive cradle to the grave medical care, have guarantees as far as minimum levels of income through the dole, etc., they should be prepared to pay for those things, just like everyone else. That means if one plans to spend nearly on third life not working, the ability to consume almost all income is no longer feasible. One can not count on someone else to pay for a life of indolence, whether that is through taxing someone else, be it rich, middle class, businesses, or even taxing future generations through massive national debts and high rates of inflation to make prior borrowings less painful. There is no reason that someone can't spend the last 20 to 30 years of life not working, but they need accept an appreciably lower standing of living during the first 50 to 60 years, via some combination of increased output and decreased consumption.
Future generations are not "suckers," simply because they lacked the wit to be born first, and lost the ability to vote against being saddled with massive amounts of debts, and a degraded environment, both politically and physically. The idea that those who come after should have the pleasure of paying for the levels of government spending that current generations want, but aren't willing to purchase with their own output is morally reprehensible, and practically difficult. It is not inconceivable that citizens of a country, when faced with high levels of spending on debt service that the current workers did not create, along with expensive social programs from which current workers are not likely to see benefits, with high tax rates that go for spending designed to benefit people who currently live a life of indolence will revolt and say no more. While those workers would definitely be hurt by a default of their governments obligations, they would basically be placed in a position so unenviable that they have little to no stake in the system, certainly not enough to put forth the required effort to make certain that other people are comfortable. They have little incentive, not to use a 3rd grade metaphor, of taking their ball (productive labor) and going home until the rules of the game have been changed.
The second problem relates to the fact that the world is no longer Europe, America and their colonies (my deepest apologies to Japan and Korea). The global workforce is connected enough, at least by information, so that Chinese people want Buicks, South Africans like Ipods, and basically the majority of the human race wants more than subsistence farming, poor water quality, repressive government, and so forth. These individuals aren't mental defectives, and if they can make their living standards closer to those enjoyed by the West, eventually higher, they see no reason not to pursue this goal. Every job "outsourced" is "sourced" somewhere else. If 20 dollars/euros a day is a pittance in one country, it seems rather more generous elsewhere. Thanks to a global economy, it isn't inconceivable to see global living standards approach a much higher level in the aggregate, but a lower level in some of the more advanced economies.
That isn't a bad thing, but it does mean that global flows of labor should be higher, to match increased ease in global flows of capital. Take away capital's mobility advantage. Level the field, increase the standard of living for humanity, and only spend what one earns.
San Francisco
First it is important to note that there are several "classes" of pensioners. There are the unions that operate in nationalized or quasi-nationalized companies like EDF, SNCF and Gaz de France. These unions have negotiated fantastic benefits for themselves (much like some the US public service unions). For example, SNCF ticket takers retire at 50. This was a function of the long ago coal-powered trains and has no bearing on today's condition but they still retire at 50. Would it be so disastrous for them to retire at 55?
But on the other side are those who work in the private sector whose pensions are not as generous and who retire at a later age.
Then there is a third class of young professionals who work only on temporary contracts - meaning they are temp workers and enjoy few of these benefits. The reason why there are so many temp workers is a factor of the economic burden on an employee that these workers are striking to protect for themselves even if it exclude others.
So the "strikes" you see are the "insiders" with generous benefits who want to protect them. Those you don't see striking will not enjoy these benefits.
So those of you who are seeing some glorious workers' paradise you'd better look again.
France probably cannot realistically afford to keep a retirement age of 60 any more. However, the financiers who destroyed our world economy have not paid one iota for their actions. The People are right to be angry. Too bad France can't bring back the guillotine for the slime who let greed drive them to make idiotic decisions. If they could bring it back I vote we extradite some of our Wall Street barons to France and 'let them eat cake'.
[Why is it that folks from NY City seem most receptive to what's going on in France? Also, isn't NYCity the place of NYTimes?]